
February 26, 2004

IUF and Chiquita Agree on Conditions for Maintaining Respect for Union Rights as Company Enters Negotiations for Sale of Colombian Operations

Chiquita has recently announced that it is negotiating the possible sale of its Colombian operations to the Colombian national producer BANACOL, with whom it would enter into a long-term purchasing agreement.

In June 2001, the IUF, the Latin American Coordinating Committee of Banana Workers' Unions (COLSIBA) and the banana transnational Chiquita signed a breakthrough agreement on Freedom of Association, Minimum Labour Standards and Employment in Latin American Banana Operations.The agreement confirmed Chiquita's commitment to respect the core labor Conventions of the ILO, including the Convention on freedom of association.

As the IUF/COLSIBA/Chiquita agreement commits the company to use its influence with suppliers to respect the same union rights standards which apply to company-owned operations, the IUF initiated discussions with the company to preserve the collective bargaining agreement between Chiquita and the IUF-affiliated SINTRAINAGRO in the event of a possible sale. The current collective agreement recognizes SINTRAINAGRO as the single union organizing the whole of Chiquita's Colombian workforce.

The Colombian situation was high on the agenda of the latest semi-annual Review Committee which monitors the application of the IUF/COLSIBA/Chiquita agreement. A Memorandum of Understanding between the IUF, COLSIBA, SINTRAINAGRO and Chiquita has now been finalized which commits Chiquita to "insist that any ageement for such a sale would provide for the existing collective bargaining agreement to remain in full force and effect and for the potential buyer to continue to recognize SINTRAINAGRO as the single union representative of current Chiquita workers, with all rights and obligations." Chiquita would "insist and use its best efforts to ensure that BANACOL respect the minimum labour standards and the terms of the IUF/COLSIBA/Chiquita Agreement as they would apply to a Chiquita supplier and that the interpretation of that part of the agreement in this case would recognize Chiquita's significant influence within the current negotiations."

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June 14, 2001

la UITA, COLSIBA y Chiquita firman histórico acuerdo sobre derechos sindicales para los trabajadores bananeros

La UITA, COLSIBA y CHIQUITA anunciaron hoy la firma de un histórico acuerdo sobre "Libertad sindical, las Normas Laborales Mínimas y el Empleo en las Operaciones Bananeras en América Latina".

Ron Oswald, Secretario General de la UITA; German Zepeda, coordinador de la Coordinadora Latinoamericana de Sindicatos Bananeros (COLSIBA); y Steve Warshaw, Presidente y Oficial Operativo en Jefe de Chiquita Brands International Inc., suscribieron el acuerdo. Fue testigo de la firma del mismo, Juan Somavia, Director General de la Organización Internacional del Trabajo (OIT), la cual auspició la firma hoy en Ginebra.

Mediante este acuerdo, Chiquita, que es el mayor empleador de trabajadores bananeros sindicalizados de América Latina, reafirmó su compromiso de respetar los Convenios laborales básicos de la OIT, incluido el Convenio sobre libertad sindical y derecho de sindicación.

Oswald describió el acuerdo como “histórico en el verdadero sentido, significando que ofrece a los trabajadores y a los empleadores la posibilidad de buscar una nueva base para la resolución de problemas en una industria que, a lo largo de su historia, ha sido extremadamente confrontativa”.

Agregó: “Tenemos una oportunidad mediante este acuerdo de garantizar que las relaciones entre Chiquita y sus trabajadores siempre se funden en el reconocimiento mutuo y en el respeto por los derechos humanos según está establecido en los convenios de la OIT. Esperamos que este acuerdo servirá de modelo de relaciones en general entre organizaciones sindicales internacionales y compañías transnacionales”.

“Este acuerdo marca nuestra nueva asociación entre la UITA y COLSIBA, basada en el respeto y la sinceridad mutuas y establece un nuevo nivel de dirigencia de responsabilidad social en la industria bananera” - dijo el Sr. Warshaw. “Refleja nuestro continuo compromiso de mantener los niveles más elevados en todas nuestras relaciones con los interesados, incluidos nuestros empleados y sus sindicatos. Esperamos con interés nuestra creciente colaboración con la UITA y COLSIBA, que son importantes asociados en nuestros esfuerzos por velar que se cumpla con estas normas y que nuestras prácticas en los centros de trabajo sean tan eficientes y productivas como sea posible”.

En el acuerdo, Chiquita también reconoce su responsabilidad de suministrar centros de trabajo saludables y seguros y Chiquita, la UITA y COLSIBA convienen en colaborar con todo esfuerzo encaminado a mejorar aún más la salud y la seguridad de las operaciones bananeras de la empresa.

Un Comité de Revisión conjunto Chiquita, COLSIBA, UITA se reunirá dos veces al año para supervisar la aplicación del acuerdo y revisar todas las potenciales áreas de preocupación.

El texto completo del acuerdo se encuentra disponible, en español e inglés aqui:

El acuerdo en españole en PDF

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IUF, Colsiba And Chiquita Sign Historic Agreement On Trade Union Rights For Banana Workers

The IUF, COLSIBA and CHIQUITA announced the signing of an historic agreement on "Freedom of Association, Minimum Labour Standards and Employment in Latin American Banana Operations."

Ron Oswald, General Secretary of the IUF; German Zepeda, coordinator of the Latin American Coordinating Committee of Banana Workers' Unions (COLSIBA); and Steve Warshaw, President and Chief Operating Officer of Chiquita Brands International Inc., signed the agreement. The signing was witnessed by Juan Somavia, the Director General of the International Labor Organization (ILO), which hosted the signing today in Geneva.

Through this agreement, Chiquita, which is the largest employer of unionized banana workers in Latin America, reaffirmed its commitment to respect the core labor Conventions of the ILO, including the Convention on freedom of association.

Oswald described the agreement as “historic in the truest sense, meaning that it offers the possibility for workers and employers to seek a new basis for the resolution of problems in an industry which has throughout its history been highly confrontational.” He added, “We have an opportunity through this agreement to ensure that the relationships between Chiquita and its workers are always founded on mutual recognition and respect for human rights as set out in the conventions of the ILO. We hope that this agreement will serve as a model for relations generally between international union organizations and transnational companies.”

“This agreement signals our new partnership with the IUF and COLSIBA, based on mutual respect and openness, and it sets a new leadership standard for social responsibility in the banana industry,” said Mr. Warshaw. “It reflects our continued commitment to uphold the highest standards in all of our relationships with stakeholders, including our employees and their unions. We look forward to our increasing collaboration with the IUF and COLSIBA, which are important partners in our efforts to ensure both that we live up to these standards and that our workplace practices are as efficient and productive as possible.”

In the agreement, Chiquita also acknowledges its responsibility to provide safe and healthy workplaces, and Chiquita, the IUF, and COLSIBA agree to collaborate in efforts to further improve the health and safety of the Company's banana operations.

A joint IUF, COLSIBA, Chiquita Review Committee will meet twice yearly to oversee the application of the agreement and review any potential areas of concern.

Click here to download the Agreement in English in PDF

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